الأربعاء، 22 أبريل 2020

Text book Of Clinical Veterinary Medicine

Text book Of Clinical Veterinary Medicine

by Amlendu Chakrabarti
Reprinted 3rd edition 2007

There is rapid advancement in the field of Veterinary Sciences in general and Veterinary Medicine
in particular especially in the field of modem methods of diagnosis and therapy. In order to keep space with all those advancement it has become increasingly necessary to incorporate such materials under one cover in the existing book. All the relevant informations are kept almost in all the Chapters of this revised book. Besides, new chapters have been included on Endocrinal diseases and Geriatric Medicine considering their importance. A chapter on proprietary drugs has been made to serve the
interest of the Veterinary Physicians especially who are stationed at various odd corners of the country.

This type of index is very much needed in the Held where such information are Tint readily available.
The contents of this book has been kept keeping in view the revised curriculur of the
Veterinary Council of India for undergraduate students. Importance has been laid to include advance information related to etio-pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapy and prevention against animal maladies to fulfill the academic interest related to course work of post-graduate and Ph.D. students of Veterinary Medicine in various Universities of the country.
This comprehensive concise book with abundant clinical materials will help to add knowledge
of the students dealing with the subject. It will also help the practicing Veterinarian in their day to day animal health management programmes. References have been given in each chapter to lead the users for further readings.

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Textbook Of Clinical Veterinary Medicine

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