BSAVA Guide to Procedures in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
by Nick Bexfield and Karla Lee
August 2014
The BSAVA Guide to Procedures in Small Animal Practice provides practical, step-by-step guidance on how to perform the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures commonly performed in small animal veterinary practice. In addition, routine clinical examination of the major body systems, and protocols for the management of selected emergencies, are described.
In addition to the actual technique, each procedure has information on indications and contraindications, equipment required, and potential complications, together with the editors’ own hints and tips. Details of BSAVA Manuals where wider information can be found, such as interpretation of results, are given throughout.
All procedures have been reviewed and updated to ensure that this remains a truly useful resource for the veterinary team.
New for this edition:
In addition to the actual technique, each procedure has information on indications and contraindications, equipment required, and potential complications, together with the editors’ own hints and tips. Details of BSAVA Manuals where wider information can be found, such as interpretation of results, are given throughout.
All procedures have been reviewed and updated to ensure that this remains a truly useful resource for the veterinary team.
New for this edition:
- Edrophonium response test
- Gall bladder aspiration
- Gastric decontamination
- Local anaesthesia
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Separate section on system examinations
- Additional illustrations, many in full colour
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