الخميس، 13 أغسطس 2020

Canine Aggression: Rehabilitating an Aggressive Dog with Kindness and Compassion


Canine Aggression: Rehabilitating an Aggressive Dog with Kindness and Compassion

by Tracey McLennan
July 2018

Caring for a dog who lunges, barks at and even bites other dogs is incredibly difficult. Canine Aggression follows the inspiring story of a Bull Mastiff called Calgacus, and his caretaker, first-time dog owner Tracey McLennan. For Tracey, the arrival of Calgacus in her life was a lifelong dream come true … but a dream that became a nightmare when Calgacus attacked and badly injured another dog, and showed every sign of doing the same to any other dog he came into contact with. Help came from many amazing people, and enabled Tracey to understand Calgacus, and how to encourage him to direct the pace and direction of his rehabilitation. TTouch, clicker training, walks with other dogs, and trick training, all played their part in allowing Calgacus to discover joy in knowing his own kind, until he became a dog who loved to be with other dogs. He would play with those who liked to play; be gentle with nervous dogs, and would calm tense situations, encouraging other dogs to be kind to each other.

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