الاثنين، 17 أغسطس 2020

The Laboratory Swine, 2nd Edition


The Laboratory Swine, 2nd Edition

by Peter J. A. Bollen, Axel K. Hansen, Aage K Olsen Alstrup
February 2010

Since the popular first edition was published more than a decade ago, the number of swine used in toxicity studies has increased as an alternative to commonly used non-rodent species, such as dogs and primates. A volume in the Laboratory Animal Pocket Reference SeriesThe Laboratory Swine, Second Edition maintains the high standard set by the previous edition and is poised to continue its legacy as the premier laboratory reference on the care and use of swine in the laboratory.

Emphasizes Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Swine

Addressing the biology, husbandry, management, veterinary care and research applications of both large and miniature swine, this color reference is a complete source of information on the species. It is thoroughly updated and includes a major revision to the anesthetics section. It also places a heightened focus on animal welfare and addresses important considerations related to genetically modified swine. The book is divided into six parts:

  • Important Biological Features examines everything from different breeds and behavior, to anatomical and physiological features, as well as digestive, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems
  • Husbandry addresses housing, nutrition, sanitation, transportation, and more
  • Management and Quality Assurance looks at the impact of infections on animal research using swine, zoonotic diseases, legal regulations, genetic monitoring, and more
  • Veterinary Care covers a variety of topics, such as clinical examination, diseases, pain recognition, and post-operative management
  • Experimental Techniques addresses restraint, sampling techniques, basic surgical procedures, and other issues
  • Resources provides extensive references for further study, including handbooks, journals, and websites

The Laboratory Swine, Second Edition is ideal for animal caretakers, technicians, investigators, and laboratory animal veterinarians as a single-source reference that contributes to the humane care and use of swine in research.

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